Welcome back to Battalion Combat System from MMP, having a play mate who knows the rules sure helps both of us improve our game play and our correct game play!
After playing 4 or 5 turns of the campaign we agreed to reset, keep same sides and go at it again. Primarily due to some errors on both sides that significantly impact the state of certain formations.
We had made errors with Engagements, Fire Attacks and some zone of control stuff to boot. Fun, but wrong enough to want to restart. Im personally still struggling with sequencing the right guys at the right time to force retreats and inflict step losses…Too many juicy choices.
For more details on the goals and objectives of Brazen Chariots please see the prior posts. If I remember I’ll put links below.
Opening situation
As with the last effort with the campaign the Allies start with a disparate set of forces, and more arriving all the time. The three armour brigades and the Support formation start in a central position with not much interfering with their movement.
Ariete, Italy’s elite division occupies one approach to Tobruk.
As a reminder the Allies must secure sudden death style a MSW [Supply route from Tobruk to the Southern edge of the map free of German influence. The Germans must prevent that AND keep Bardia to win.
So above we see the starting historical locations. Support and 7th motored up to Sid Reghazi, the Indians and Kiwis powered through Savona and Bach on the coast, then headed for Tobruk. How will the wiser, smarter allies approach it all this time. Meanwhile the Germans, knowing what they know, will have to be circumspect about a number of factors and not play into any ‘traps’ the Allies might set nor make crucial mistakes by committing too early.
22nd armoured opens the festivities with a quick approach and attack on Ariete. They largely brush off those engagements and they also immediately activate and head North. The brush off is due to this time there is no 2nd activation for the 22nd and the Italians only lose one step. The take a partial activation to retreat from the advancing Brits, and trade some space for time. This time around I have a different [better?] plan for the arguably best Italian formation on the map.
The retreat leaves the Support units intact and the armour intact to conduct a fighting retreat if needs be.
Wechmar elects to scout forward and interfere with the movements of the British forces. 15th Panzer drifts down to the primary transit axis and prepares to go either direction. 21st Panzer moves to cover Savona’s flank and prevent a rush up the road by the Brits towards Bardia.
Unlike may MMP/The Gamers titles turn one races along. This is in essence a bit of a meeting engagement. The Commonwealth send Support & 7th Armoured along the road that becomes a track towards Tobruk, and run parallel to the Italians. The Wechmar enters into the fray, mainly using its screening capability to slow down the 7th Armoured Brigade, which also seems headed westward. The 21st Panzer drops down to cover Savona’s flank, and also threaten the British armour. 15th Panzer drops down to a mid point between Tobruk and Bardia. In essence being prepared to head either East or West and keep control of the vital road that leads to the besieged Commonwealth forces.
Wechmars elements end up being bounced a bit, but do the job of slowing movement.
11/4 Indian begins to clear mines and take on the low step count KG Bach. Who at best can stall here.
The Kampf Gruppen slides across, to cover the main road, hoping to get enough replacement to bring that much needed unit back from the dead pile at the star of turn 2. The Indians ignore the air and 88mm and continue their brave work.
By end of turn 1 Armoured elements link up with Support and begin the push up and through the Wechmar screening forces.
On to Turn 2 the 20th of November.
Prior links of note:
How dare you split the panzer divisions up?!
I keep thinking I like the series, but also have some issues with some of the abstractions and combat losses / factors. Still better than OCS for me, but not sure I’ll keep buying into the series.