Now. Thanks first to Emanuele over at Vento Nuovo games.
This game is going to be available soon for a short pre order. I am excited as this title brings the 2 others; Blocks in the East and Blocks in the West together, with complete optional Naval rules, a new Strategy map and Campaign games to combine all the titles.
VN has always done some thing clever, thoughtful, often with dual meaning and even hidden little known factoids for all its covers. This is no exception. I will leave you to work those elements out and leave you to opine on what it might all mean? Isn’t art cool!
Note: If you are participating in the competition to guess the REgiment and Division of the units depicted please post your guess in the comments.
Mech group Maletti?
As regiment
32 Reggimento Carristi / 132. Divisione Corazzata Ariete (32 tank reginent / 132 tank division Ariete)
nice idea for a contest.
I would opt for
8th Bersaglieri motorised infantry regiment, 132nd Armoured Division Ariete
Maybe 7th Bersaglieri regiment of 102nd Trento motorized division.
I think…. Congratultions to you!
7° Reggimento Bersaglieri ~ XXI Corpo d’Armata?
Bersaglieri Regiment (regg. bersaglieri) / Divisione motorizzata A.S?
Roger, A.A stands for ? do you know what REgiment #?…ahem… Assuming it was right.
Divisione Motorizzata ‘Trieste’, X Corpo d’Armata di Manovra?
XX Corpo d’Armata?
XX Corpo d’Armata, CAM
Could be 8th too!
Definitely 8th
132 Ariete Division
My guess is 8th bersaglieri regiment attached to Ariete armored division. If only Balbo had lived….
just getting curious when there will be the solution. Did anybody guees it right? Who is the winner?
Hi Carsten yes we have a winner. I believe
. I am awaiting to hear form Emanuele who is out of communication until monday.
Will you reveal it???
I announced the winner on the competition thread!
Alexander Rozdymakha