Poll #1 for Big Board Giveaway

Hi gang.
We are giving away a copy of Blocks in the East and West!


Watch the video at this post , and answer this simple question:

This poll is no longer accepting votes

Game Play Ideas for Q1 2023
  • GCACW one map Scenario23.46%
  • AMFS mid sized scenario17.28%
  • EFS 2x Lepel scenario with tactical choices explored17.28%
  • Pacific War 1 map Op scale scenario16.05%
  • Campaign play of the Long Road7.41%
  • Die Festung Hamburg3.70%
  • 1914 Nach paris1.23%
  • Advanced Squad Leader1.23%
  • CWBS or LOB1.23%
  • DAK21.23%
  • DAK2 3rd Alamein OCS!1.23%
  • Festung Hamburg1.23%
  • For the People 🙂1.23%
  • GOSS1.23%
  • Last Full Measure Games by Uhlan Games. I want to see the design differences to GCACW.1.23%
  • Nach Paris1.23%
  • Old School Tactical1.23%
  • World at War ‘851.23%
67 votes

ok.. so that is it. EASY!  [EDIT I cant believe I have to give a hint this early. Those that are voting other…..the answers are in front of you and in the video!!! ]

Correct answers after all questions are posted go into a random draw to win $140 worth of gaming goodness.


The BigBoard will pay the first $20.00 US of shipping. The balance to be paid by the winner.

Winners have 24 hours to confirm their intention to pay shipping and provide a valid address for shipping estimation.

Payment for shipping must be received prior to shipment.

Registering as a follower on the blog guarantees you are counted. You may vote and not register, but if you dont leave a comment below and I cant identify you then you miss out.

This is fun, lighten up, if a mistake is made, The Big Board reserves the right to change the rules, cancel the giveaway at any time or generally be an annoying so and so as it sees fit.


14 thoughts on “Poll #1 for Big Board Giveaway

  1. Was trying to vote, entered my answer, clicked the button, and got a red message saying I wasn’t allowed to vote. Do I have to be a member somehow of the software? Thanks.

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