Join the fun, help me select one or more
titles to focus on in Q1 of 2023.
In this poll you may select more than one, or even add your own selection based on titles I currently own. LIST HERE on BGG
I hope the Christmas Season is wonderful, relaxing and fun. Please take a minute to invest in family, be present. Recall the reason for the season.
Don’t delay play today!
Update. Great stuff guys. I shall be accepting the top 3 or 4 entries as solid suggestions to play Q1 2023. I also will need to make room for current vassal plays and new arrivals!
I’m also thinking 3rd Alamein might be cool? – DAK 2? OCS?
I’d love to see a detailed play-through of an OSG Napoleonic battle game using the Napoleon’s Later Campaigns Rules by Markus Stumptner using the orders rules and attrition-based CRT instead of the oh-so lame SPI-derived bloodless surround and retreat or no damage CRT.
id need to track down those rules