The Allies had pressed up the SA formations to support the two armoured groups headed directly to Tobruk. While the lone armoured formation of the Allies drove deeper behind enemy lines. It appears to be awaiting the connection by the New Zealand forces… which are numerous to say the least.
The Kiwis focus on pounding on the Savona formation and crank on the defences. Clearing mines and wire. 4th Indian Inf support them
The Savona units apply accurate gun fire against the Kiwis and Indians. Here I believe both sides made errors. As we realized that support must be dropped prior to engaging with fire. Given both sides used the same rules we let it slide and will sort it out going forward.
I’m suspecting that the Allies with the NZ force can cause real havoc shortly. So it will be incumbent upon the Germans to kick it up a notch and either clear out the Armour and think of harassing Kiwi supply or fore go the right flank all together!
Ariete is facing off against 7th Brigade and the 22nd Armoured Bde. Its not going to end well. But No matter what the Allies will have to engage with ‘locked units next turn’ this will enable us to be more proactive with the defense. This will also be the next turn when reinforcements arrive.