Situation end of Turn 1

In turn 3, the Germans secure their MSR, press non tracked units into guarding the supply line and hold off the US advance in the Center. The Yanks take one town on far left flank, which the Italians happily give up as the German recon and other forces clear the road to the VPs from Thala to both map edges.
It would seem the US strategy has to be to retire sooner on the right, and advance quicker in the middle and German left. Slowing the attack of DAK and the other KG’s. Where as the Germans must consider the VC’s carefully. If they want to try for an exit win, then leaving behind non tracked units and barging forward is the only way. Other wise being very aggressive against the lower efficiency US units can pay dividend while playing a delaying game with the Italians.
Over all a good learning scenario and it has no support elements so it speeds up play.