PBEM game play of Rising Eagles continues from earlier posts:
We picked tactical cards.
I the coalition scored:
Barrage, Time to reload, Grand Charge, Friendly Fire, Last Push and Change of Plan.
All good cards. The French took Avoid Fate, No Surrender, Leader Safe, Scouts [ I hate tha card], Rally and Smoke of War.

French cards:

As discussed in the first post the Coalition orders look much like this:

Whereas we can see the initial orders of the French are:

Though at second glance it is light in teh South, but that is historically how it worked.
His grouping of Corps gives him 3 avenues of appraoch. Via Stanton in the North. Down through Girzikowitc and onto Pratze, or swing south towards the center staying hidden as long as he can….Hmm that is what I might do. But the orders dont seem to support that idea really.

Nappy/Guard/Reserve Cav and the Grenadiers in 3 dispersed groups. With V Corps [Lannes] spread in front of Stanton.
IV corps is somewhat spread out and is a huge force of combined arms with the tough 3rd Dragon and very well rated divisions. No easy picking there.

Further south in the center it looks like he is set to try and hold Kobelnitz or at least use it as a transit area.

In the far South Davout’s men are spread along the road to Sokolnitz and Telnitz is lightly defended. Feels very historical. Hopefully we can press through Telnitz quickly and catch the French in the open long enough to force them back from the VP locations.