Attila Turns 1-2. GBoH

The Battle of the Catalaunian Fields 451 C.E See prior post 2018-09-25 11.23.27-2Initial force positions:

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Opening positions, opening set up allows for the allocation of Heavy Cav ad Light Cav as you see fit in the Hunnic line as well as Rome and her Allies.

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Start of turn 2 positions

The  Alans are the weakness for Rome as they can ‘vanish if activation rolls go poorly. The Romans decide to compensate immediately.  Meanwhile Attila moves into hit and run range.  The skirmish on Romes left or Attila’s right rear begins to evolve.

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End of 2 start of turn 3. Due to a variety of poor rolls, both sides suffer with feigned retreats, and this causes Attila to seek a quick end the battle. He charges the Roman Shield Wall, disrupting it, and hopefully softening it up enough for the follow on troops.