Arise, Hellas! Part 1

Leosthenes’ Mercenaries join with other Greek forces and march back across from Corinth to the Greek States, past Megara and with a show of force request the surrender of the minor city of XX

Which duly surrenders as they were itching to be free from the primitive nature of the Macedonians [Persian Markers are the Greek States in rebellion for our purposes of the Lamian War]. The Boeotians how ever had other more forward ideas and had not agreed to rebel and sided with Macedon.

The Auguries boded well for a fight. The Boeotians failed their retreat roll and must stand and fight.

With the combined forces of the Mercenaries and Greek forces from Hellas Leosthenes army numbered much higher by 2:1 than the Boeotians.

Out on an open plain, caught in their arrogance the two forces squared off. Retreat was denied the Allied forces, they were out numbered 5:1 in Light Medium Cavalry and more than 2:1 Hoplite to Hoplite 48 factors vs 16.

The morale of the Boetians was reasonably high as a percentage of their stacking Points 4.75 the Greek force was higher at 5.5. The Greek [rebel] force  would have been higher but for the significant percentage of Mercenaries retained.

[EDIT: Note when I calculated Morale I used the wrong base number for both sides, so while the numbers are off, its proportional I believe.]

Thus when the Armies marched towards each other, there was going to be a significant set of modifiers for the Greek +3 to the dial roll! [SK’s HO’s & Cav].

Greeks attack at 2:1 the Boeotian faction fight back at 1:2. Greek roll: 3+3=6 indicating 2 step losses.

The Boeotian roll 7 inflicting 1 step on the Greeks. Who lose a SK. The Allied Boeotians lose two steps [Note minor error, I think I needed to lose 1 cav and 1  SK vs 2 SK, makes no difference to odd or step count].

Morale is not a factor yet, as 2 SP-4.75[morale]  is a negative number still.

Round 2.

Both sides DRMS [+3 for Greek States/rebels] stay the same. But the Boeotians drop down to 1:3

The Boeotians roll a 6 for no effect on CRT
The Greeks roll a 7 still at 2:1, 7+3 [DRM]= 10. This yields a red result of 4. Meaning they choose which units are lost.
The Greeks blast through the Hoplites shield wall, at the same time as their Medium Cavalry sweeps away the Light Cav and attacks the rear of their enemy.

Now we check Morale, 6 steps lost – 4.75 Morale is a positive number. The Boeotian/Allied force routs!


Greek Cav rolls to pursue and wipes out the balance of the forces with a 5 result with their Medium and Light Cav! The Macedonian allies are rendered combat ineffective.






2 thoughts on “Arise, Hellas! Part 1

  1. Well done, regardless of minor errors. It’s a great game.

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