Call it silly, call it being bored –
“Blood of Noble Men” but instead of having 200 Texian defenders, somehow the year 2020 has placed a squad of Texas Army National Guardsmen inside the Alamo compound armed with SAW’s, M4’s and M67 frag grenades.
They must survive in order to get back to 2020 (which they may not want to do considering…). Just playtesting but sitrep thus far, LOTS of Mexican casualties but 3 squad members are dead with 2 incapacitated. Only Crockett, Lt. Carey and Sgt. Robinson are unscathed with the Mexicans just beginning to scale the walls.
I forsee them being holed up inside the Chapel blasting away with M4’s as the Mexicans try to enter. – My buddy Gary K.
Meanwhile we have people in the hobby attempting to water down what is wargaming, what wargaming should be and some bastardized version of their utopian ideal wargame. Here we see a person messing around with history… just for fun. Way more engaging that the passive nonsense going around at the moment.
Thank you for sharing buddy! I’ll be messing around with making some alternate counters for it over the Christmas break as well and will keep tweaking around with it for fun. I’ll definitely put together whatever I create into a PDF and then will share it with others that may want to tinker around with it the same way.
Thank you for sharing buddy! I’ll be messing around with making some alternate counters for it over the Christmas break as well and will keep tweaking around with it for fun. I’ll definitely put together whatever I create into a PDF and then will share it with others that may want to tinker around with it the same way.
Sounds very interesting!
Alternate history is the biggest reason some of us game.