Advance after Combat – Jason! ..Marshall?..Dave..

OMG.. They let Jason record by himself…or did they kill Marshall?

This is going to be ugly! Someone call the Police.

He is talking about Vietnam Forgotten Heroes.

This thing:

2012-02-05 00-57-33.531A game in progress shot, oh and Jason – not all the scenarios have random  events. I wish they had random event “tables” versus a single specific action. 
2012-01-21 16-20-18.625


The decision making as Jason points out is very intense when playing 2 player.  Lots of fun.

Anytime you are in Austin Jason, love to play with ya.  I got a copy waiting for ya, and cold beer.

2012-03-10 16-16-37.234

But wait….Marshall is back! In all his glory.

He is reviewing……in a string bikini, did I hear that right!

String Railway…I think its a Euro.  OMG…LOL.  Marshall thinks its GAY.


hahahahaha.. I love this.

One thought on “Advance after Combat – Jason! ..Marshall?..Dave..

  1. Thanks for the love! I’d love to touch base whenever I’m in Austin for a reasonable amount of time (usually I’m there less than 24 hours).

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