A tale of two videos


So….hmm.. where to start.

I did a ranty thing.

Its here:


Before that I did a nearly 30 minute shrink rip about the above. Which was recorded about a week ago upon delivery.

You might notice a marked difference in ‘feelings’ about the game.


5 thoughts on “A tale of two videos

  1. I guess my hopes that a rules rewrite would help are dashed. I remember when the “project” was kicked off and I contacted the designer of this mess with a little advice: 1) get someone who is good at writing rules to help you, and 2) Use Case System to help organize it, since the first attempt to write in a breezy, stream-of-consciousness style failed *miserably* His reply: he “doesn’t like Case System”. No reasons, just a vague, unsubstantiated dislike.

    At that point I was dubious that the design team would be able to right that ship.

    1. well it uses a blend of cases system, major rules within in major rules headings, then sub cases but also bullet points. Its fricken dogs breakfast of inconsistent bullshit.scattered to high heaven.

  2. Do ANY of the DG reprints get “better” after being reprinted? Seems they either don’t get it right or half way thru they decide to take the game in a different direction (a la their new WW3 series).

  3. Have come to the conclusion that DG uses attorneys for rule writing. They read like contracts to preempt liability claims.

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