Its been a weird month or 2. Some personal challenges have mitigated my ability to play games, and my desire to do so has been wanting.
When that sort of thing happens it is easy to get down on a game. Thus 3 or 4 Magazine titles in a row were rousing let downs. I’ve since gone back and looked at those games and in the main my original take holds true. So much so that I wont be posting much about them, as negative opinions post play especially for magazine games seem to churn up a lot of bullshit sentiments from readers that I cant be bothered responding to on the blog, and sucks me into a justification cycle that aint worth anyones time.
So off to the good news side of things. Play of Ukraine ’43 continues, we are about to start turn 5.

Play of Austerlitz Rising Eagles in one Vassal session is progressing nicely. I may have a second game about to begin also via PBEM.

I do have a very slow game of DAK 2 running.

I am not sure how long this one will continue for.
Meanwhile on the physical boards :
District Commander : Maracas is shaping up to be a fascinating COIN system, this one set in a Mega City. Unlike a certain recent games released about ‘mega city’ actions, this system actually works and the rules are solid.

I had been planning on keeping my play of the Finns vs Soviets quiet until I was done. But shoot… its 150+ turns, and the action in A Frozen Hell is sooooo cool from the TCS system at the old Gamers that I’ve started posting snippets here and there on the BigBoard Instagram account and in Eastern Front wargames group on Facebook. A full report will be forth coming here.

With a desire to get some ancients action going, I grabbed the Thunderbolt Scenario from Rise of the Roman Republic and slapped it down. It did not take long to get re acquainted with the system. I intended to use SPQR for the battles, but, I could not bring myself to miss out on the Pursuit and Butchery rolls!
Over the next few weeks I will be wrapping up play of my mini scenario of War in the Pacific Midway. As well as rapidly reading rules for Red Storm, the inbound Kiev ’41 from Vento Nuovo, Dai Senso and a smattering of other new titles. The big one I am waiting on and trying to keep table space clear for is World at War ’85.
Well that is an update, I may not be posting as much, but I am playing! Just very, very behind, with AAR’s for Day of Heroes, Devil to Pay, Montelimar, Brazen Chariots, Last 100 Yards, and some other bits and pieces all still to come. All the best!

Don’t let magazine games get you down! hahaha
i hate u…lets grab lunch
Do let the turkeys get you down, mag games have always been problematic some good ideas let down by lack of detailed attention ,,, keep up the good work.
Honest, fair, informed reviews are in short supply Kevin, so please just ignore the negativity. You are providing a public service to the gaming community and don’t need to justify your reviews in any way.
May your personal challenges be trivial and transient. Best regards.