Some quick thoughts on macros trends I have seen over the last decade.
1. System mechanics innovation
2. AI for games
3. Funding production- POD & Kickstarter
4. Components, production quality and usability
What aspects of the last decade have most impressed with wargaming?
You know one thing that is not in this video?! – Internet access and tools like VASSAL. Our ability to reach each other to play, learn and share, has expanded exponentially. Having great folks like Dan Pancaldi provide us a weekly news cast on publishers, vlogger activity, all the great new podcasts, educational video tutorials, even the dreaded shrink rip, that allows us to see inside the box and get a feel for what our experience might be.
There 5 things, not 4!! 🙂
A pleasant talk about the hobby. Thanks Mr Sharp!
Thank you for watching and hanging out!