North Africa ’41 August I-August III

Impulse 3


Malta track moves to zero.

Brits pull back a little.

Now if I had known that the Axis would pull a ‘static turn’ to earn an SP , I would have pulled back a unit into Tobruk.

He merely inches closer across the hot desert plains.

Supply Attrition.

Allied 1 for Tobruk. Axis lose 1 also.

No VP change it stays at -5.


Impulse 1

13C Moves to Mersa by intercoastal from Tobruk.

4th Indian move into Tobruk port. They demolish the port capacity as part of the evacuation.

The Allies shuffle forces and bring more SP to the map. Its time to face off the escarpment.

Axis suffer the loss of all supply being shipped and a REPL. No SP at the front to execute combat. Will he attack with no supply. He has four SP in the back field of which two move up rapidly to nearby Tobruk.

Where the Italians breach the defenses abandoned by the Indians.

And attack the Indians in a supplied attack using 1SP [we made an error and allowed a tank shift.]

The Indians take a step loss and another [we lose the Arty unit in Tobruk] doing a desperate defence.

In the axis turn they race supply to the front. They use their recon forces to attack the South Africans and forces a retreat.


Allied Turn:

Allies gain a resource Point and invest in a Fortress..but forget to place it on the map.


Meanwhile the Aussies and Indians counter attack and drive the Italians out, the 14th Indian ships out.

In the Allied move phase they begin the proper withdrawal.

By fading back will allow us to build up some forces and stage in the South so we can seek to cut off supply or even re capture Gambut for one turn. I taunt the Germans with a feint towards it. Just to give them something to think about for their coming impulse.