North Africa 41 Jul II

Opening activation of Jul II turn:

Allies press reinforcement up to the front, use recon units to slow the enemy and build fortifications.

The Axis lacking supply do not attack.

They do position to do so however.



By keeping recon units in contact with the enemy we impose a movement penalty [+2 to leave a ZOC] and slow any potential attacks.


We receive and air raid and bomb Tripoli.

They rebuild one port capacity in Benghazi.

Allied reinforcements arrive, and Allies push a small counter attack at 6:1 against the 3/5L Battalion which avoids losses by retreating [recon units can do so]

Axis move for the last impulse of the turn.

The axis execute a 5:1 attack but it drops down to 4:1 and causes a DRX the 15th Pzr lose a step.


Turn end supply attrition, Axis have to lose 1 SP in Tobruk area. One for the allies in Mersa is lost.

No VP accrued for Axis.


Turn 10 AUG I

Allies press units up towards Gambut as feint to draw away forces from Halfaya Pass.

Also dropping back a bit to buy a bit of space. The Axis have 1 SP they can use to make their attacks within its range. Minor erro as this now places me out of range of the UK H!. WE need to move him to Sidi Birrani ASAP.

After the vassal die roller drops 3 5’s in a row all supplies make it to Tripoli after a terrible shipping roll. However the Italians are not so lucky. They lose an entire Bn.

So the ruse fails. He elects to attack with attack supply dead center, and press for Sollum. This attack goes well he gets a DR2 [image says Dr1]. A breakthru attack follows on the adjacent Brits. Who die in a d1. Bad JuJu.

It is now time for the 2nd/3rd impulse in the summer season we will hold the line in the coming phase as I don’t see him risking unsupported attacks.

But for September I need the UK HQ on the Eastern side of the map and out of Tobruk, more Supply and the ability to counter attack soon, we can stop the slow roll on the next airfield.

Turn 12 we will lose an Aussie and an Indian Brigade. We have those in Tobruk, so we can let them hang there, then move out the HQ, and either attempt to sneak out on Gambut with the remaining Indian Brigade or attempt to transport out.

My estimation is we need to keep Sollum until October II. Turn15 OR recapture Gambut for a turn, or only allow Sollum to fall for a limited amount of time.