North Africa 41: JUN II

Turn 8 Jun II

Two activations this turn.

Allies juggle units back, and push up Indian repls.

Axis do not attack Round 1 !!

Activation #2

Our event moves the Malta track 1 to our favor. Air is also now at Neutral in terms of supremacy.

Its probably time to bug out. If I stay I face being isolated or surround and defeated in detail. Right now if he takes Gambut this turn, he goes to neutral on VP gain loss… So sitting at negative five will put some performance pressure on him. He has to capture the next airfield and hold it four turns.

I on the other hand now have four turns to rebuild, bring in new forces and chip away at German units that are harder and harder to replace.

So leaving Gambut is a tough choice., but in the end we can sacrifice [if needed] the South Africans. But I doubt he will get a full isolation on them, maybe a step loss at worst.

In the Axis turn he does indeed finally attack. Using full supply also + resources, Air and combined Axis forces.

He forgets to use the Rommel chit for a re roll! …teeheehee. AGAIN.

I did not notice or recall that option…but hell as Napoleon said ‘ never interrupt the enemy when he is making a mistake.’

SA’s attempt a DD defense…and fail. What a surprise. They need a four or better.

Allies consolidate around Bardia Sollum, key to hold the line there for a few turns. I forgot to build a fortification last activation..doah.

Lets hope it converts in July.

End of turn eight, another interesting turn full of good decisions to be made. ‘Should I stay or should I go now’.

The Turn end on minus five VP. With Axis now on track at 3 VP. In order to recover as mentioned above they must move on the next airfields.

Sollum and our southern flank are key. I need to quickly re deploy forces to serve those needs.

Good news is in the supply attrition phase the Axis are now back down to ZERO supply MSU points.

We have some options too.

We can explore shipping units into Tobruk to counter out with?

We can look to pressure the Axis rear with a feint.
We can seek a localized small counter attack.

We can turtle while we rebuild.

Lots to think about.

If I were the Germans I’d pivot hard with the Germans forces, and run for Sollum as an end around. It’s the only way to quickly pick up VP’s and stretch the enemy. Defeat in detail can happen when isolated.

Historical Side Note

By this time the  Allied command was planning BattleAxe as they had fled in the face of ‘overwhelming force’. Whereas the Allies here have fought a bloody delaying action.

This has bought the Allies about a month. As the Battle for Sollum would historically begin around early July.  We see if this is enough to forestall the axis player