Bullets and Beans_3

One of the things that happens with my gaming, is a back log of content to release. It appears I failed to upload all four parts of this game play of 4CMBG from the MBT series.
So here is part 3 of 4. Four should drop same time next week!
you can find Part One here

Part 2


Black 2 Advances to the hill top to overwatch

Arty finally lays some smoke where it is needed.

Canadian units use thermal sites!

Soviet Overwatch misses!

They make their ammo roll and despite taking fire the shot runs true

Canadian Mortar fire goes to work!

61mm mortars hit, skittish Soviets bail out!

End turn 2

The 2nd company command finally gets smoke onto the board! Passing the roll to call it in.

Taking the opportunity to fire first the Canadian spotters bracket the BTRs and troops in the light woods!

Effective fire!

Soviet cant buy a break!