The turns progress now a little faster. The supply hex counting done once and noted on the board helps, the ability to rapidly move SP’s to and from shortens play time, and increases enjoyment. The initial disorganization is replaced by a somewhat smoother and simpler network. although as we will see we still have some misplaced transport assets, and Supply stuck in awkward places.

The Chinese progress slowly. Very slowly. Their Action ratings are so low that it is a a huge modifier in combat that needs some US support.
The chindits face pressure with increased force levels guarding the rail. 9 battalions are drawn from the fight to hold the Ledo Road. The chindits have drawn a lot of attention. Time to melt into the jungle!
At the expense of Imphal the Allies ship in decent supplies (they hope) for a sustained period of harassment on the rail lines.
The Japanese respond aggressively, not wanting the 1/2 VP per turn Victory Points to get out of hand.

Eastern Side of the campaign:
Below the Japanese attack the Chindits holding the town :
Costly but this clears them for trace supply. the downside is that a fair amount of territory was given up drawing forces off.

The Japanese take a quick easy attack at a lone Arty unit, that the Allies could not spare supply for:
A complete success for the Japanese, but to be expected.
Naga Hills Eastern portion of the campaign,
The 31st Division, had finally accumulated enough supply to make a push for the Imphal Diamapur road. The windy trail chewed up forces ability to move, and made combat a scary affair.
The Mah (blue Bn) goes down under the weight of the Banzai attack.
Whilst the breakthru was small it helped demonstrate the Japanese ability to fight and the supply/forage, then fight dynamic. I think this explains why overrun is a favored form of attack.
The combat details:
The Japanese realize belatedly that they have no where near the supply nor forces they need to sustain a concerted attack upon the Road to Diamapur.

The Allies take the option to kill the extra Battalion in a costly [option exchange]. This leaves just one Japanese Bn left holding nearly 5 sp of supply. This is a critical attack for the Allies and might break the back of the western part of the campaign for the Japs. [update- as I look at this attack it may not have been eligible, as the Chinese and 5th Indian would likely not have been able to fight together (only US /Chinese), per the rules. I am, given the huge difference in potential result going to recalculate the attack.]
The new attack ratio is dreadful, the Chinese are surprised and drop from the 11 column to the 6 and to compound the insult the 3 AR delta crushes the die roll, bringing it to a 2! This changes the result by 180 degrees. The Chinese lose 2 steps and the Japs stand tall with no losses…..ouch.
- Western Map-attack and success for Galahad.
Myitkyina is now under threat, tenuous as it is. The 1-4 of the 2nd Division goes down in a front and rear attack in jungle terrain on the road to Myitkyina. This is the 2nd large source of supply for the Japanese. Any damage here well worth losses.
Supply lines are stretched thin, and the Allies know that they will not be able to sustain this sort of pressure for long. The Japanese scramble to reinforce the area and will be forced to make low odds attacks. This whilst expensive will absorb most of the rest of the Allies supply.
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