1st Battle of El Alamein July 1st 1942

Initial setup.


See the video previously posted regarding victory conditions and locations above. Whites cubes are must acquire for German victory. Red are must retain for Allied/Commonwealth victory plus avoiding German success.

Air hipshot’s open up the activities once units advance adjacent to key locations. Thirsting for supplies Rommel pounds the hedgehogs and Kiwis on Bab el Qattara ridge.

Hoping to overrun and capture supplies.

Germans  DG two key hilltop locations  where the 6th NZ and Sth African units are hedge hogged with supply that is badly needed by the Axis.


580/90LE  and 33rd Pioneer from 15th Panzer advanced to recon spot for strikes.

German forces advance and spend 5.5 MP to  tackle the enemy in an overrun with a total of 20 combat factors from 21st and 15th Panzer. Its interesting to see just how degraded everything is for the Axis while the Commonwealth is clearly on the up swing. They spend 6t on the attack. It ends up with no surprise and net plus 1 of the die roll at 7:1 in close…with a 2. Ao1/Do1. A terrible result. That is almost a scenario killer right there! I should have applied Rommels stack to the battle also.

The 33rd Panzer Bn from 15th panzer eats it. and the Kiwis lose their step to stay in place and deny the supply to the Germans.

Other Axis forces advance upon El Alamein. During the reaction phase the C’wealth forces adjust and bomb attacking forces of the Germans.

With the additional support entering the El Alamein area Rommel elects to barrage the defenders who entered and DG them also. This allows a 4:1 attack to go in with no surprise. It generates a Ae4/DL1o2. The plucky South Africans and Kiwis elect to stay in place, the 3SA unit  is eliminated, 3rd SA Infantry takes a step as does the 22nd Brigade armor.

In the Commonwealth turn they reinforce El Alamein and surrounds with units from the East.

90LE is attacked and eliminated in a bold 7:1 attack, that surprises the Germans and ends up on the max column….they roll a 12.

End turn 1