Large games on vassal really are a lot easier are they not! Once Mitchell Land and I play a few turns of this monster the intention is to debrief on game play, design structure and WWIII theme etc. This is 1985: Under an Iron Sky
Right now below war turn 1, the mobilization of the attacks on Western Europe is about to be under way. This will be a longer slow burn play thru, as we are both pretty busy.
The Red zones and Blue highlight each sides desired areas of Air Superiority [AS] for the turn. Unlike The Next War from SPI, which broke control up into thirds across the map, the action here is more granular and limited.

The NATO side face a challenge, too few aircraft to protect and project force in too many areas. No surprises there right.
Each area that you wish to gain AS in, you must compete for. First run the AA gauntlet, EVERY unit that has a B rated or A rated AA capability gets to take one shot at the forces [max 15 squadrons per area or zone] in that zone. A rated Flak will take out a step or force an abort nearly 70% or more of the time. B rated about 55-60% of the time. This is a massively high percentage for the NATO side to contemplate. So high that it has influenced my decision making, for now at least.
Then its onto air combat. Here if the DRMs stack up, the NATO side can almost always be fighting on the +1 – +3 table while the Soviet/WP forces will be at 0 or -1 most of the time…. if NATO puts its best foot forward.
Both sides allocate privately, and then expose. The you both place units down on the ASC track from 1-15. I have some comments on that also. But more on this part of the play once we resolve it.
Looking forward to seeing more of this game in action. Thanks!
how long before Waterloo comes out?
Walter, what has this to do with W.loo?
Hey Walter. I believe you the wrong web site. As I mentioned to you on Facebook, this site does not publish, nor develop wargames. We do not take orders, we have no order page. Who ever you ordered a waterloo game from does not belong to this site. NOW… you may have clicked thru here on a link to a publishers site. If that is the case, then I would search here using waterloo as the term and track down where you actually bought this ‘waterloo’ game. – Best of luck. Kevin
Kev, Flak vs. NATO Air Superiority is not as deadly as you depict it. Most NATO airsup squadrons have +5 modifiers against flak, and WP had practically no A rated flaks.
Last but not least there’s no abort result due to flak and a damage result has little effect on NATO, as its repair capacity is 3 steps for each airfield.
In the end, a B rated WP flak has on average only 25% of making any serious damage to a NATO airsup squadron.