Proletariats of all countries, unite!
Communist Party of the Soviet Union. CENTRALCOMMITTEE TOP SECRET No. P107/III
To Comrades Brezhnev, Andropov, Grishin, Gromyko, Kirilenko, Kosygin, Kulakov, Kunaev, Mazurov, Pel’she, Romanov, Sluslov, Ustinov, Shcherbitskii, Aliev, Demichev, Kuznetsov, Masherov, Ponomarev, Rashidov, Solomentsev, Chernenko, Dolgikh, Zimianin, Kapitonov, Rusakov, Riabov, Zamiatin

“Comrades, it is apparent from what Andrei Andreevich [Gromyko] has now told us, that Com. Gromyko
has performed considerable and useful work during his time in America both in terms of participation in the special session of the General Assembly of the UN, as well as in the course of his negotiations with Carter and Vance, and also at the time of bilateral meetings and discussions with representatives of many countries.
I think that it is fitting to approve this work and to record this in our resolution. But it would be, probably, incorrect to limit ourselves only to this. From the report of com. Gromyko, and likewise from the extensive information which has reached us recently through various channels, it is completely clearly apparent that we are experiencing a very complicated period in the development of international relations.
A serious deterioration and exacerbation of the situation has occurred. And the primary source of this deterioration is the growing aggression of the foreign policy of the Carter government, the continually more sharply anti-Soviet character of the statements of the President himself and of his closest colleagues–in the first instance those of Brzezinski.
Judging from appearances, Carter is not simply falling under the usual influence of the most shameless anti-Soviet types and ringleaders of the military-industrial complex of the USA, but is intent upon struggling for his election to a new term as President of the USA under the banner of anti-Soviet policy and a return to the “cold war.”
This line of the government of the USA is putting its stamp on the policy of the Western powers both in the NATO bloc, and in Africa, and in relation to China. The question arises, how are we to react to all of this?”
Sudden War, Scenario for The Next War.
Just started watching your videos having become a late convert to OCS. So I was really thrilled to then see that you are doing SPI’s Next War. I drooled over that game when it came out but didn’t have enough money, time or space. Now I do and although I cracked the rules and clipped the counters some time ago, it hasn’t got to the table yet – too much competition! However, it’s a real epic bucket list game and I’m going to be glued to the upcoming videos so more power to your camcorder!
Thank you Mark. We can only hope I do it justice!