Well for a jungle infested hole this is proving quiet dynamic as a game!
If you are prepared as the Chindits or Japanese to live of the land some crazy stuff can happen.

April 1st and the Allies move after a double Japanese turn.
The Allies block supply from Kamaing in a lighting stroke capture of the town. They also threaten unprotected supplies in Moguang. Their ploy of stretching along the rail line lead them closer to these towns!

They landed more Chindit columns and dropped a lot of supply on the newly created level 1 airstrip.
The Japs have been forced to strip their front line, use precious supply for survival and are now scrambling to open the road and the rail back to Mandalay. The Japanese cobble a Banzai attack together and attack the DG’d (Oscars) and now OOS units A/B-16.
So the attack costs us a step and forces a 1 step loss on the Allies. By taking our option as a loss the Allies are forces to take theirs. This clears the hex and re opens supply. 2 less chindits to worry about….for now.
The bleeding off of forces has weakened the blocking Japanese unit along the Ledo Road. The Japs need more troops. These 1 step units have nothing! The variability of the roll means each combat can go either way. Right now although the Allies lose higher CF valued units, they have plenty to spare.
What appeared to be an impossible task to capture Myit’ now looks feasible. This will (assuming all remains the same) make for a very interesting game.
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