0800 No Name Ridge

Tis as I feared. The Tactical Combat Series is as deadly as ever! This scenario is no exception.

Semper Fi covers a series of battles. This, was the bloodiest or one of the bloodiest fought by the Marines in Korea.

*trigger warning, I use the info counters from GD’42. Its gunna be ok guys! Don’t have a fit 😉

Despite heavy success with 4 suppressions and 15 steps eliminated in the opening pre air assault, the sheer number of enemy units and Over Watch [OW] firepower is daunting. That and 3 of 5 rolls being 55 or greater on Opp fire [ overwatch shots] was painful.

After the Air went in we did USMC arty which knocked one step of the Divisional assets holed up in the village to the North called Tugrok. But failed to suppress anyone.

North Korean [NK] won the initiative and elected to go first, primarily so they could do recovery and remove suppression which they did. The low firepower OW at range had little to no effect.

As the Marines of Dog & Easy company step off they take a pasting. 4 steps down and three units suppressed in the first move!

I did not bother to check, probably should of, the Infantry Guns conducted OW. Not sure if that was a legit fire.

End of 0800 turn and the first 20 minutes has been if anything eventful!

This validates what I suspect will be the ‘new Marine plan. We will use arty on what we can see and fore away until 1/5 arrives with tanks and then attempt the ridge line. Otherwise we will suffer significantly worse than historical losses! [ which were about 50% for 2/5 ]