4 thoughts on “End of 1941 in sight… thoughts

  1. You would be forgiven if you packed the game up; you’ve given us and these two games hours of detailed exposure. It might be worth continuing to June if the situation in the south was in doubt, but you made it clear that German victory there is likely.

    My vote is DAK2 and a video series on that!

  2. document it, if you pack it, if you have the energy. You could always come back to it one day. Its been really great watching the vids and reading on this.

    It would be quite cool to see an overall narrative vid whenever you do end. I’d like to see in brief the overall picture of what happened.

  3. I’m certainly still enjoying the episodes, but whatever is drawing your interest more is fine by me! As was mentioned previously, an overall analysis on what went right and wrong through the whole campaign would be fascinating.

  4. Hey Matt, thanks for your thoughts! Regardless at the end of December we will have a full blown Monthly report! IF we end the game then I will recap teh 3 month of play. If we dont I will be reviewing what we did and building a ‘monthlyplan’ for both sides. Some new developments might change what we do!!

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