Counter Clippers, can this happen to you?

Counter Clippers beware!

Has this happened to you?

Is this a design flaw for the C006? .. told you guys to stay with the 2mm…but no, you wont listen will ya!

This has happened to two people in the last 48 hours…

Its too early to tell if this is a trend!

Lets keep a running tally, perhaps it is planned obsolescence!!!:).

Check in here and leave your comments, what do you use, has your broken, is this a brewing crisis?

How did this broken clipper affect your life? Can you recover?

Do we need a user group for broken clippers? I can set up a 1-900 # for therapy on this matter ASAP.

Here is the clipper I recommend – an early user experience of mine:

UPDATE!! 10:35 pm Central

Lord Jesse of fame trouble shot the problem and as suspected it is indeed a design flaw!
It would appear it is only a matter of time before yours breaks! OMG…. what if it happens while clipping The Last blitzkrieg! or Beyond Valour 33rd edition!!!!

One thought on “Counter Clippers, can this happen to you?

  1. Happened a couple of weeks ago. The broken part on mine is looking EXACTLY like yours.

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